I would like to apologise. It has been more than two weeks since my last post. I was preoccupied and have not had the chance to blog for each day that passed me by. I am truly sorry for this. I pray that I may continue to inspire readers of my blog with 'The Miracles of God' each day.

I was remote earlier this day. I had the chance to finish all my tasks. I went to one of local shops and bought some necessary ingredients for my lunch. I was busy looking, when my peripheral vision caught this sight. I then decided to check what was going on.
There was this staff of the local shop who was trying to bring his empty trolley somewhere and twice he intentionally knocked the grocery basket of this lady who was on his way. She was standing on the bakery side. He did not apologised at all! The chap who was behind him, challenged him and said "Excuse me." 'Excuse me, is it too hard for you to say that?" They then argued - brought everyone's attention to them. The staff stated with arrogance, "I am busy and I she is on my way. I need to bring this trolley...!" He said impolitely. I went to the other side of the grocery to check for my ingredients - found it then headed to the till. I saw again on my way to the till the staff and the chap who were still having disagreement because the staff would not want to say, 'excuse me.' His reason mainly was he was busy.
It is a miracle from God that I came to reflect this: that some of us, if not all, are slaves of time. The moment we wake up and the moment we finish the day. In life, every one is in a rush. Time is a very important factor that not everyone is happy to share with. We always have to remember that our time here on earth is just temporary. We all have our share of our journey here. We should make the most out of our time here on earth -- prepare for the coming of Christ Jesus! We should not be 'chasing the wind.' As Bible stated in Ecclesiastes 1,14 I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.
Everyday we experience the miracle of God. It happens everyday. :)